Tuesday, July 2, 2013


So much to do and so little time.  I'm sure this is the a lot of folks thought as well.  Well both the girls are now out of school and both going to college.  Boy life just flew right past, I swear they were just babies, going to Kindergarten then on to school.... then High School and now college.

Trying to get DD2 all set and figure out how to pay for all this has certainly been weighing heavy on my mind.  Lord it would be great of money just grew off trees.  Trying to figure out how to get it worked out that she can live in a Dorm which is what she really needs to do to fulfill all the work she will need to do in her field (Art School).  She definitely needs a lot of the things that are right there on campus versus trucking all the things back/forth each day.  I'm just going to hand it over to God and see where he takes me.  This is honestly the hardest thing I've done.  As all moms you want the best for your child.  But at the same time you have to realize what you can and cannot do.

Just down right now today.  I'll update as soon as I can.